Traditional Medicine
Traditional Medicine
Raw honey, a natural product produced by honeybees, has been used as food and for healing wounds and intestinal diseases, as recorded in Ancient Chinese, Egyptian, Greek, Assyrian and Roman reports of traditional healings.
Traditional Ayurvedic experts also recommended raw honey as a remedy for indigestion, coughs, insomnia, and maintaining healthy gums and teeth. Moreover, honey is considered a health tonic in the Islamic medical system and the potential therapeutic value of honey is vividly illustrated in the holy Qur’an.
In modern times, raw honey is also a nutritious supplement with medicinal properties recognized by society, as it exhibits multiple beneficial physiological efforts; it is antibacterial, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and improves cardiovascular health, oral health, immune system and gastric activity.
Always go for 100% raw honey to ensure you're getting the real benefits.