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Honey’s quality and health benefits can vary greatly depending on its production process. Hives Keeper follows a set of strict guidelines and sustainable practices for our Raw Honey Processing to preserve the natural integrity of honey. Unlike commercially processed honey, which often undergoes a heating and filtering process that strips away valuable nutrients and flavours, our honey is 100% natural, real, unheated and co-extracted raw honey to retain its pure, natural nutrients, antioxidants and antimicrobial properties.

This page will highlight the key differences in processing methods and show why we choose to adopt the Raw Honey Processing methods for all our honeys.

Raw Honey Processing

1. Harvesting

Our honey is harvested directly from the hive with minimal disturbance to the bees. We only take what is in the surplus so that we can ensure our bees have enough food at the beehives.

2. Extraction

We use a cold-extraction method, which involves spinning the honey from the honeycombs without applying heat. This process helps preserve the natural enzymes, vitamins, and antioxidants naturally occur in the honey.

3. Minimal Filtration

We only lightly filtered to remove large impurities and avoid extensive filtration. This will allow the pollen, valuable nutrients and natural enzymes remain in the honey.

4. No Heating

We do not use heat during any stage of our honey processing. Heat will destroy beneficial enzymes, antioxidants and natural flavours. By strictly following these procedures, we ensure our honey retains all its original health benefits and flavours.

Commercial Honey Processing (also known as Supermarket Honey)

1. Harvesting

Commercially processed honey, also known as Supermarket Honey Processing, focuses on maximizing efficiency and yield. As a result, the harvesting method often involves a great level of disturbance to bees using large-scale beehive systems and mechanized tools. The primary goal is to quickly collect large quantities of honey, sometimes resulting in extracting more honey than is sustainable for the hive and would compromise the natural state of the honey.

2. Heat Treatment

To make honey more fluid and easier to pour, many commercial producers heat it to high temperatures. This process will destroy beneficial enzymes and antioxidants, diminishing the honey’s natural health benefits.

3. Extensive Filtration

Commercial processed honey typically undergoes an extensive filtration to remove all particles including pollen, natural nutrients and antioxidants. This will strip off all the beneficial properties of natural honey.

4. Additives and Syrups

Commercial processed honey may be mixed with sugar syrups or other additives to adjust texture, sweetness or colour. These additives will dilute the honey’s natural flavours and reduce its nutritional value.

5. Artificial Processing

Some processed honeys are treated with artificial flavourings or colourings to standardize taste and appearance. This compromises the honey’s authenticity and natural qualities.


Hives Keeper follows a set of strict guidelines and sustainable practices for our Raw Honey Processing to preserve the natural integrity of honey. Our honey is 100% natural, real, unheated and co-extracted raw honey to retain its pure, natural nutrients, antioxidants and antimicrobial properties.

In contrast, commercially processed honey/ supermarket honey often sacrifices quality for efficiency and quantity, resulting in a product that may lack the essential nutrients and authentic flavours of raw honey. By understanding these differences, you can make an informed choice and enjoy the full spectrum of health benefits that true raw honey has to offer.

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