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Manuka Honey vs Jarrah Honey

Honey, with its rich history and diverse applications, is cherished not only for its natural sweetness but also for its health benefits. Among the various types of honey, Manuka honey from New Zealand and Jarrah honey from Australia stand out because of their distinctive origins and exceptional properties.

Manuka honey, sourced from the nectar of the Manuka bush in New Zealand and parts of Australia, is renowned for its powerful antibacterial and medicinal qualities. In contrast, Jarrah honey, derived from the Jarrah tree which only grown in West Australia, is known for its high antioxidant content, rich flavour and healing properties.


Manuka is a thick and sticky honey. Typically it is dark brown in colour, the honey has an “earthy” aroma and is strong on the palette. It has a rich and slightly bitter taste.

Jarrah is also a thick and stick honey. Typically it is amber in colour, the honey comes from Jarrah trees that only blooms once every 2 years, briefly from late spring to early summer. It is a delicious honey with a slight hint of caramel taste.

Both Manuka honey and Jarrah honeys are bioactive and healing honeys, meaning that they have antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

Health Benefits

Manuka is widely recognized for its strong antibacterial properties, making it popular for wound care and digestive health. It is also used to soothe sore throats and support the immune system.

Jarrah is valued for its high antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, and it is often used to promote overall wellness and support digestive health. However, Jarrah honey has antifungal properties due to the hydrogen peroxide content, making it popular for skin care products.

Both Manuka honey and Jarrah honeys offer notable health benefits and are safe to be consumed daily and for long term use.

Bioactive Compounds

Manuka honey has high concentration of methylglyoxal (MGO), a compound that contributes significantly to its antimicrobial properties. The Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) rating is used to quantify the concentration of MGO and other key compounds in Manuka honey, indicating its potency and quality.

Jarrah honey’s antimicrobial properties are primarily attributed to the high levels of hydrogen peroxide and other natural enzymes produced during its formation. These natural enzymes, which include glucose oxidase, contribute to the honey’s ability to fight harmful bacteria. Jarrah honey’s antimicrobial activity is typically measured by its Total Antimicrobial Activity (TA). The TA rating is used to assess its ability to inhibit bacteria growth and fight harmful bacteria.

Both Manuka honey and Jarrah honeys contain bioactive components, with Manuka honey being noted for its high MGO content and Jarrah honey for its enzymatic and antioxidant rich profile

Flavour and Texture

Manuka has a distinctive robust flavour that can be slightly earthy, with a creamy to thick texture. It provides a rich mouthfeel that reflects its high concentration of bioactive compounds. The bold taste of Manuka honey makes it a unique ingredient, often sought after for its unique flavour.

Jarrah has a milder, more subtle taste with a smooth, rich consistently. It also has a features a slight caramel aftertaste that adds a pleasing nuance to its flavour profile. This delicately sweet and smooth texture makes Jarrah honey particularly versatile in culinary applications, enhancing a range of food and beverages with its unique, understates sweetness.

Testing Methods

The method used to measure the level of activity in Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) and Total Antimicrobial Activity (TA) is known as the “radial diffusion assay”. In this test, honey is placed into a well on an agar plate, and its ability to inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus is assessed by observing the distance it diffuses through the agar. This inhibition is compared to a standard material, typically phenol. The results are expressed as a percentage of phenol equivalent. A calibration curve is then generated using phenol dilutions, with the highest standard being 35%. Consequently, the maximum UMF or TA value reported is >35%, indicating that the honey’s activity is at least as effective or greater than this concentration of phenol.

How to pick the best honey?

When it comes to choosing the best honey among the two, you would have to consider your preference for flavour, texture, and specific health benefits. If you are seeking honey with potent antimicrobial properties with a robust, earthly flavour, Manuka honey is an excellent choice due to its high methylglyoxal (MGO) content and UMF rating. Conversely, if you prefer a milder, subtly sweet flavour with smooth texture and high antioxidant and antimicrobial content, Jarrah honey offers these benefits through its natural enzymatic activity and delicious taste profile.

Both types provide significant health advantages, so selecting the best honey involves considering which attributes align most closely with your health goals and culinary taste.

In Closing

At Hives Keeper, we guarantee what you order is what you receive, and they are 100% pure and raw high-quality honey. Nothing added and nothing subtracted. There are no added sugars, no additives, or artificial flavourings. Most importantly, one of the great things about purchasing from Hives Keeper is that you are receiving 100% authentic honey, no blends with cheap inferior products. They are straight from the hives.

Discover Hives Keeper’s honey now.

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