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What is Total Antimicrobial Activity or Total Activity or TA in Honey?

The strength of antibacterial potency of raw honey is measured by Total Activity (TA) in Australia, which encompasses both hydrogen peroxide and non-peroxide components like phenolic compounds. A higher TA value indicates significant effectiveness in supporting the immune system, digestive health, and overall well-being.

The antimicrobial qualities of Jarrah Honey, Marri Honey, Red Bell Honey, and Blackbutt Honey are indicated by the term TA (Total Activity or Total Antimicrobial Activity) on the label, and as the TA rating increases, so does its antimicrobial power. In general, honey with TA 10 or higher starts to have good antibacterial properties.

The “plus” of the notation “TA35+” actually indicates that it is more effective than TA35.

This TA value is rigorously tested and measured by a laboratory in Australia, and you can rest assured that you will be issued a Certificate of Analysis that certifies the proven TA value and composition of all honey.

Certificate of Analysis

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